UL SPT Power Supply Cord 平形電源線

Product Description Applications
Bare stranged copper conductor.(導體使用裸軟銅絞線) STP-1 & SPT-2: For use in household clocks,fans,radios and similar appliances.(SPT-1及SPT-2適用於家用時鐘、電扇、收音機及各類電器)
Color-coded PVC insulation.(PVC絕緣) SPT-2 is of heavier construction than SPT-1.(SPT-2負載狀況較SPT-1優越)
Rated temperature 60℃,75℃,105℃. Rated voltage 300 volts.(額定溫度 60℃,75℃,105℃ 額定電壓 300Volts) SPT-3: For heavy-duty use in damp locations especially suitable for refrigerators and room-size air conditions(SPT-3使用於高負載且潮濕的環境、尤其適用於冰箱類和空調冷氣)
Passes UL VW-1 & CSA FT2 vertical flame test.(可通過UL VW-1及CSA FT2垂直型耐燃測試) UL 20288: For use in chain link of chain suspended lighting fixtures.(UL 20288︰燈飾串連線)


+ demo +KC HO
Apollo Group
Since: 1972



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  • One swallow does not make a summer.
    勿以一 偏蓋全