UL SVT Power Supply Cord 圓形電源線

Product Description
Unshielded 無遮蔽
Product Description
Shielded 遮蔽
Bare stranged copper conductor.(導體使用裸軟銅絞線) Bare stranded copper conductor.(導體使用裸軟銅絞線)
Color-coded PVC insulation.(PVC絕緣) Color-coded PVC insulation.(PVC絕緣)
Cores twisted together with filler.(芯線絞合加填充料) Cores twisted together with filler.(芯線絞合加填充料)
Separator overcore.(加隔離層) Aluminum mylar.(鋁箔麥拉帶)
PVC jacketed water-resistant type.(防水PVC被覆) PVC jacketed .(PVC被覆)
Rated temperature 60℃,75℃,105℃. Rated voltage 300 volts.(額定溫度 60℃,75℃,105℃ 額定電壓 300Volts) Rated temperature 60℃,75℃,105℃. Rated voltage 300 volts.(額定溫度 60℃,75℃,105℃ 額定電壓 300Volts)
Passes VW-1 vertical flame test.(可通過VW-1垂直型耐燃測試) Passes VW-1 vertical flame test.(可通過VW-1垂直型耐燃測試)
Oil-resistant type SJTO and outdoor-use cord type SJTW-A are also available.(SJTO、抗油性、SJTW-A耐環境惡劣亦適用) Pass VW-1 vertical flame test.(可通過VW-1垂直型耐燃測試)
Unshielded 無遮蔽應用 Shielded 遮蔽應用
for light-duty portable tools,mixers and vaccum cleaners.(較負荷移動式工具、攪伴機、吸塵器) for power supply cord of computers to eliminate EMI and RFI(對電源線的電腦消除EMI和RFI)


+ demo +KC HO
Apollo Group
Since: 1972



  • 躍馬投鞭星斗橫,一呼百喏作雷鳴。江山無恙漁翁老,何似靈山補衲輕。南懷瑾~

  • 沒有豁出生命的覺悟,就不能為和平其真正的戰鬥。池田大作

    • 佛家一文錢,大似須彌山,欺心無實報,披毛戴角還。

    • 挑多是憨,能捨非無情。葉教授


  • All good thing come to an end.